Smart Cameras Just Got Smarter: Cisco Meraki MV Series Launches

In a digitally-centric society, the importance of security is at an all-time high, both in and out of the virtual business world. If your business requires any sort of security camera, you’ve likely been forced to select the lesser of two evils time and time again. The predicament of selecting a system that you know doesn’t satisfy the right need at the right price is something you’re security team will no longer have to face. Cisco Meraki has been a leader in the technology systems space for nearly two decades now and continues to successfully introduce innovative ideas to the marketplace. The latest product launch, the MV Series Smart Cameras are no exception. Let’s discuss some of the benefits of this new, cutting-edge technology.
What Do You Need From A Security Camera?
For those who aren’t well-versed in what information you need to be able to gather from surveillance or security footage, it’s easy to write off this question. What do you need a security camera to do? Well, that’s simple, film. Right? Wrong. The expectations of what information you can glean from a security camera are increasing at a rate that the available technology has failed to keep up with thus far. A security camera worth investing in needs to do much more than film your property.
Storage That Lasts
How many times have you needed to pull footage only to find that you’ve exceeded the 24-hour or 7-day wiping period? Because security is such an expensive endeavor, it’s only natural that we’d look for cost-saving measures that could be implemented without introducing additional risk. Rewriting tapes is a very common practice in the space, however, that doesn’t make it any more convenient when you need film that no longer exists. When you’re purchasing a security camera system, you want equipment that not only can store data locally, but can also integrate with cloud systems so that you never have to write over film. Additionally, this kind of expanded storage allows your security to scale with your business as things change, both internally and externally.
Smart Storage
Cisco Meraki’s Smart Cameras not only retain the most recent 72 hours of continuous footage, but they will also intelligently trim footage to eliminate video that lacks movement so that you can maximize your storage space and only maintain relevant data.
You also have the option to eliminate storage altogether and view live footage only. With Cisco Meraki Smart Cameras, you maintain all the control – from scheduled recording sessions to real-time storage tracking, you know exactly what’s going on with your security system at all times.
Uncompromised Connectivity
There are so many factors that can lead to lost footage. Whether you reach your maximum storage allotment or your network connection cuts out, the risks posed by elements outside of your control are extensive. Ensuring that your camera systems are all in working order when they need to be is practically a full time job in and of itself. Add to that all of the maintenance, data collection, and analysis that you’re also responsible for and you very quickly run out of hours in the day.
A Back Up For Your Back Up
The MV Series Smart Cameras don’t require a network connection to continue recording. The simplified architecture of the equipment ensures that no data is lost due to a connectivity lapse or outage.
Analytics You Can Trust
In addition to high-volume storage that’s in your control and isolation from your network that prevents breakdowns due to connectivity outages, the analytics available from your security cameras are essential to the overall value the equipment offers your business. In the age of machine learning, we want all the data available, we want it yesterday, and we want it to be easily digestible. That’s not always the case when it comes to thousands of hours of security footage. Selecting a camera system that can intuitively process some data and start the analysis process for your security team can save you hundreds of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars over time.
Artificial Intelligence Makes Analysis Easy
The Meraki Smart Camera features a cutting-edge processor that makes machine learning and computer vision not only scalable, but also cost-effective. Much like the processors being used in smart cars, your Smart Camera can detect what is and isn’t human so collecting traffic statistics, behavior patterns, and more without the need for separate servers and expensive software is a seamless experience. You can easily collect and digest relevant data for your business from a single solution that serves multiple purposes at once.
The Smart Security Camera You’ve Been Waiting For
Cisco Meraki is well-known for innovative solutions that move the needle for businesses of all sizes. When you’re looking for a security system, performance is everything. When it comes down to performance, you can’t find a solution that has more all-encompassing features in a more scalable package than the Cisco Meraki MV Series Smart Camera.
If you’re looking for a security system that makes your job easier, instead of harder, look no further. Contact the technology experts at High Country today to set up a consultation.